Project Name: Measuring the Service Parameters at a leading automobile brand dealership.

Client: Leading Automobile Brand Dealership in Oman

Project Duration: 1.5 Months


Brands have to constantly monitor the performance of their customer touch points like sales and service channels, online channels, call centers etc, to understand the pain points customers are facing while interacting with their brand. This helps them gauge where they stand and take necessary actions to improve their customer satisfaction. The local dealership chain of a major automobile player wanted to measure their channel sales and service performance.


Itqaan suggested Mystery Shopping exercise to measure the service levels at the chain’s outlets. Mystery shoppers, men and women, visited various outlets during peak and off peak hours to measure the sales representative attentiveness and promptness. Other factors like giving & explaining the pricing details, offering test drives, etc were also noted by the mystery shoppers. Further, they also noticed the general appearance of the store & staff, availability of marketing brochures, standees etc. The client was able to understand the issues faced by customers visiting the store and take necessary actions to rectify them. Results from various outlets were compared and a performance improvement training plan was scheduled for staff who required the same.